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  2. Supplier Code of Conduct Guide & Template - Responsive


    In each of these supplier code of conduct examples you’ll see common themes including statements about labor practices, ethics and environmental expectations. As you explore each, note how they differ.

  3. Supplier Code of Conduct - McKinsey & Company

    www.mckinsey.com/~/media/mckinsey/about us/social...

    McKinsey requires Suppliers to fully comply with the applicable legal requirements of slavery, forced labor and human trafficking laws (e.g., UK Modern Slavery Act 2015), and expects Suppliers to enact practices to ensure compliance with such laws.

  4. How to create a supplier code of conduct & examples of what ...


    A supplier code of conduct is an opportunity for your company to create a mutual understanding with your suppliers about your core values. It can help you attract the suppliers that suit you the best – and vice versa – create clarity to identify those that aren’t a match.

  5. Supplier Code of Conduct - EY


    suppliers should feel able to raise issues without any fear of retaliation or discrimination. To that end, we provide an ethics hotline to deal with sensitive ethical issues. This Supplier Code of Conduct sets forth the minimum standards of business conduct that we expect from all of our suppliers: 1.

  6. What are supplier codes of conduct? - IBM


    A supplier code of conduct helps a company ensure that its suppliers, subcontractors and subsidiaries share its values with regard to labor standards, health and safety, environmental impacts and business ethics.

  7. Bayer’s Supplier Code of Conduct | Bayer Global


    Bayer has developed a Supplier Code of Conduct which sets forth key social, ecological and ethical standards that the Bayer Group expects its suppliers and subcontractors to share.

  8. Supplier Code of Conduct - DuPont


    Supplier Code of Conduct (the “Code”) is an essential tool that outlines the guidelines, expectations, and policies for the suppliers doing business with us, including helping DuPont achieve its sustainability goals. The Code applies to all our suppliers. DuPont reserves the right to modify, revise, or alter this Code,

  9. ABB Supplier Code of Conduct


    In line with the latest relevant international frameworks, standards and legislation governing ethical and sustainable business practices, our Supplier Code complements our comprehensive and binding ABB Code of Conduct, which was also updated in 2023.

  10. Developing a Supplier Code of Conduct | Checklist & Templates


    Understand why a supplier code of conduct is important. • Research the business benefits of establishing a supplier code of conduct. • Evaluate the potential risks to the company associated with not having a supplier code of conduct in place.

  11. Supplier Code of Conduct - BASF


    Supplier Code of Conduct. Both new and existing suppliers are selected and evaluated beyond the basis of economic criteria. We also look closely at environmental protection, compliance with human rights, labor and social standards as well as anti-discrimination and anti-corruption policies.