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  2. Racial Profiling - Encyclopedia.com


    Racial profiling is the use of racial generalizations or stereotypes as a basis for stopping, searching, or questioning an individual. In contrast with profiling in general, racial profiling raises serious issues about the civil rights of individuals who are stopped only because they appear to be of a particular race. Some experts prefer the ...

  3. Racial Profiling and the Battle Against Terrorism


    Chapter ThreeRacial Profiling and the Battle Against Terrorism. As the government took steps to determine the identities of those who perpetrated the September 11 attacks, it undertook a nationwide dragnet to find accomplices and forestall a possible second wave of assaults. Investigators quickly learned that the nineteen hijackers reponsible ...

  4. South African Racial Formations - Encyclopedia.com


    This approach was so successful for such a long time, and to such a degree, that South Africa;s racial policies before the collapse of apartheid came to epitomize racism as an ideology and racialism as a set of practices. However, the introduction of apartheid in 1948, following the electoral victory of the Afrikaans National Party, was not the ...

  5. Profiling, Ethical Issues - Encyclopedia.com


    The Academy of Behavioral Profiling (ABP), an internationally recognized, not-for-profit corporation, was initiated in 1999 and incorporated in 2004. The ABP was created, in part, to address some of the ethical concerns raised by the lack of standardization in the field of profiling. Its mission statement describes a commitment to raising the ...

  6. Racial and Ethnic Composition - Encyclopedia.com


    RACIAL AND ETHNIC COMPOSITION. Ethnicity is a socially important demographic marker throughout the world. In many countries, however, it is not collected or reported in official population statistics, typically for reasons of social policy. Race is a concept with a contentious history and is no longer in use in anthropology.

  7. Amadou Diallo/NYPD Trial: 2000 - Encyclopedia.com


    SIGNIFICANCE: This case focused world attention on the issue of racial profiling, as the tragic killing of an unarmed African immigrant by four plainclothes police officers became the symbol of wrongful suspicion of an entire ethnic group by cops. Experts noted that the case mirrored the minority community's resentment of aggressive police ...

  8. Criminal Profiling - Encyclopedia.com


    Profiling was originally introduced to investigate violent serial killers where catching the perpetrator is a matter of great urgency. The forensic psychologist, or specially trained officer, builds a criminal profile from crime scene evidence and autopsy data. The psychologist seeks to find out how the killer gained access to the victim, what ...

  9. Racial Classification - Encyclopedia.com


    Racial classifications have been central to state formation, nation building, and the establishment of hierarchies that determine access to power in the form of material, social, cultural, and natural resources. The racial classifications schemes employed in the English-speaking, French-speaking, Spanish-speaking, and Portuguese-speaking worlds ...

  10. Racial Purity (U.S.), 1900–1910 - Encyclopedia.com


    THE PROGRESSIVE MOVEMENT. In the United States, the period from 1900 to 1920 witnessed a large-scale racial purity crusade exceeding those of previous decades. The endeavor to protect white, Anglo-Saxon racial purity was applauded by President Theodore Roosevelt in a letter to Charles Davenport, head of the Eugenics Records Office, in 1913.

  11. Race Riots of the 1960s - Encyclopedia.com


    Not surprisingly, tensions ran high in black communities. The 1960s saw the most serious and widespread series of race riots in the history of the United States. Major riots occurred in Birmingham, Alabama , in 1963; New York City in 1964; Watts in Los Angeles, California , in 1965; and Chicago, Illinois , in 1966.