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  1. Results From The WOW.Com Content Network
  2. PSA - Netflix no Longer Supports Content Downloads on Windows...


    A Microsoft Community forum post reveals that Netflix has removed the download feature for offline viewing on Windows devices, such as laptops and tablets. Users express their frustration and disappointment with Netflix's decision and share alternative options.

  3. Why is Netflix App not running as independent application?


    Users complain that Netflix App on Microsoft Store is running as a browser and not as an independent application. See possible solutions, links and feedback from other users.

  4. Netflix App no download option - Microsoft Community


    I have win 10 and I downloaded Netflix app from MS Store.There is no download option. I know that there r some movies don't have download option. But there is no download option below any of the

  5. Heavy graphical glitching when using Netflix - Microsoft...


    A user reports heavy graphical glitching on Netflix on Surface Pro 8, both on browser and app versions. A volunteer moderator suggests possible causes and solutions, such as content protection, drivers, and feedback hub.

  6. Netflix in Edge on Windows 11 causes flickering black screen on...


    A user reports a problem with Netflix videos playing on Edge browser after updating to Windows 11. An independent advisor suggests some possible solutions, such as turning off hardware graphics acceleration and checking minidump files.

  7. (C1-U7135-1957-205007) NETFLIX ERROR - Microsoft Community


    Many users report the same problem of not being able to access Netflix on their Windows 10 computers with this error code. See possible solutions, such as resetting ...

  8. Netflix not working properly on Microsoft Edge Browser - Error...


    A user reports a problem with Netflix not working properly on Edge browser and gets an error code D7377. An independent advisor suggests a link to Netflix help center ...

  9. Netflix not working with Win 11 / Surface Pro? Incorrect email or...


    Users report getting this error when trying to use Netflix on Surface Pro 9 devices. Microsoft Community suggests checking Windows updates, disabling VPN, and ...

  10. My netflix app doesn't show the download button


    A user reports a problem with the Netflix app not showing the download button on Windows 10. A Microsoft agent suggests some troubleshooting steps and links to a fix article.

  11. Hi I have downloaded Netflix app and I can't find the menu bar...


    Note: You can open Netflix app on your mobile> Click on My Netflix tab at the bottom right> Click on three horizontal lines> Help> Call. Apologies for redirecting you to different community as the members in the category posted focus on the users with the Microsoft 365 concern and have limited knowledge on the Netflix, so to get the fast and ...