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  2. 50. BMW BERLIN-MARATHON 2024 - Journey of Joy


    In 2024, the BMW BERLIN-MARATHON celebrates its 50th anniversary. 50 years of passion and records. 50 years of pure emotion. From a small race in the Grunewald forest to a global marathon highlight. We are celebrating the anniversary with a unique festival.

  3. Registration for the BMW BERLIN-MARATHON


    Take the opportunity to start your personal countdown to the BMW BERLIN-MARATHON with a race on a flat course through the districts of Steglitz, Zehlendorf and Wilmersdorf at the Berlin Road Race on 25.08.2024.

  4. The record-breaking course of the BMW BERLIN-MARATHON


    The record-breaking course of the BMW BERLIN-MARATHON is known for being the flattest of the Abbott World Marathon Majors. The 42.195 km lead you, with very little elevation gain, along the most beautiful sights of Berlin.

  5. 2024 feiert der BMW BERLIN-MARATHON sein 50-jähriges Jubiläum. 50 Jahre Leidenschaft und Rekorde. 50 Jahre Emotionen pur. Vom Volkslauf im Grunewald hin zum weltweiten Marathonhighlight. Wir feiern das Jubiläum mit einem einzigartigen Festival. Und einem unvergesslichen Marathon am 29. September.

  6. BMW BERLIN-MARATHON Results and certificates


    Here you can find the results of all BMW BERLIN-MARATHON and mini-Marathon presented by GENERALI. View your results and download your certificate as well as the photos and videos that our cameramen captured of you during the race.



    We have summarized the most frequently asked questions and answers here. Perhaps you will find the right answer to your question about the BMW BERLIN-MARATHON in this FAQ. You can ask your questions directly on site on 27 September 2024.

  8. The BMW BERLIN-MARATHON - starting blocks and more


    Find out about the start time of the starting blocks, the schedule and other important information for your participation in the BMW BERLIN-MARATHON.



    The race entry lottery for the BMW BERLIN-MARATHON 2024 is closed! As with all events in the Abbott World Marathon Majors Series (AbbottWMM), BMW BERLIN-MARATHON race entries are allocated by lottery. Registration for the lottery of race entries for 2024 took place from 28.09. to 16.11.2023.

  10. Event Info - BMW BERLIN-MARATHON


    All information for your participation in the BMW BERLIN-MARATHON 2024. From collection your race material at the MARATHON EXPO to getting to the start on race day and services after the finish line, we have summarised all the facts and tips for you in this event information.

  11. As a spectator at the anniversary of the BMW BERLIN-MARATHON


    We’re beyond excited to announce that as a special tribute to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the iconic BMW BERLIN-MARATHON NORQAIN will be unveiling a limited edition Wild ONE BMW BERLIN-MARATHON timepiece in 2024.